Successfully finished
Project Title: PROTECTOR. "Recycling and upgrading of bonemeal for environmentally friendly crop protection and nutrition"
Project Duration: 42 months (2005-2008).
Programme: European Union Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), Action: FOOD-2003-T6.6 Recycling and upgrading organic wastes from the food chain in environmentally friendly healthy food production
Our role in the project: Coordinator and key technology designer
Contract/reference number: FOOD-CT-2005-514082
Project status: Successfully finisihed
Strategic Partners:
- Plant Research International B.V. - The Netherlands.
- The University of Reading – England
- University of Rostock – Germany
- University of Hannover -Germany
- University of Turin, Agroinnova – Italy
- UFZ – Germany
- Migal Galilee Technologies Ltd - Israel
- Sonac Vuren B.V. - The Netherlands
- Árpád-Agrár Zrt.