3R Pyrolysis is a thermochemical recycling process that allows for the high efficient recovery of energy and materials. All material streams are upcycled, reused and converted into useful and safe products. Auto-thermal, no external energy is needed, surplus green electric power energy is produced.
3R pyrolysis produce:
- Bio-oil (bone oil with high N content) a liquid fuel for energy generation and production of Green ammonia, from which hydrogen and ammonium nitrate can be extracted.
- Syngas – a mixture of gases (hydrogen, CO, etc.) that can be used for energy generation.
- ABC Animal Bone bioChar BioPhosphate – A solid phosphorus rich bio-based fertiliser used for upcycled Phosphorus source in the agriculture for substitution of fossil energy intensive mineral fertilisers.
3R use bio-oil and syn-gas derived from the 3R pyrolysis process to make 3 MWe/h (24,000 MWe/y) onsite production of ENERGY CENTRAL for
- Energy independent operation of the efficient 3R pyrolysis technology for production of fossil energy independent & climate neutral BioPhosphate fertiliser.
- Energy for BIO-NPK formulation of the ABC Animal Bone bioChar BioPhosphate including microbial formulation and composting.
- On-farm horticultural operations: sowing, planting, greenhouse operation, application of inputs such as fertilisers, harvesting, etc.
- On-farm post harvest operations: food processing, cooling, freezing, storage, etc.